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Re: Share GEEZ Files?

Subject: Re: Share GEEZ Files?
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 18:03:58 -0400 wrote:
> What are you using as your auto launch g's and auto stop sec.?
> Anything else  you found helpful for our type of application would
> also be helpful.

I'm copying this reply to the Geez! mailing list so others can share.
Your questions might also get more replies there.  I've copied this
reply to the list.

I'm using 0.50 for autostart, and 0.10 for 3 seconds for autostop.
Even with those autostop settings you can't really get it to autostop
without actually stopping in the stop box for a little while, which I
always forget to do, so I usually end up trimming the end of the run off
in the Geez! software later.

Byron also recommends always setting the minimum run length to the
shortest run you think you can run, to make the autostart/autostop
mechanism more effective.  I've found that to help tremendously.  So
you need to do that for each course.  I had it set to 53 seconds for
the south course and 49 for the north (I guessed well!)

I have my G-Cube mounted in the center of the floor, just in front
of the front roll hoop (under my knees, roughly), which is pretty far
forward.  It seems to me that it would be better to have it closer to
the center of the wheelbase, or maybe even closer to the center of
gravity, but Byron told Charlie that between the front wheels would be
even better.  Perhaps Byron can comment on why that would be.

Tony Grau has his cube in about the same location as I do.

I have the battery module mounted on the inside of the fiberglass on
the left side, out of the way.  That way I have easy access to the power
switch and to the DB9 connector (you need easy access, since Byron
neglected to put nuts on there, so you can't be sure the connector will
stay plugged in).

We wear the Palm in a neoprene case that we slip over the shoulder
belts, directly above the buckle.  That way vibration is damped by the
driver's body.  Tony has his mounted to the dash with velcro, but I
don't have space for that.  It would be nice to have easier access to
it, and to not have to fiddle with it every time you get in and out of
the car, but it's not all that important.

Good luck!  As I said to Dick, I would dearly love to share any and all
information -- runs, setup, driving technique, whatever.


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