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Yes I would like to get in for 2, one medium, one large.
Re the previous explosive comment that got a few replies, including mine, I=
didn't realize at first that he is across the pond, different views on som=
e things, and also I just happened to read the post immediately after spend=
ing an hour & a half @ the shooting range w/the GF on this fine Sunday morn=
ing, in the free state of Florida, in the free, for now, USA...No offense t=
o the OP.
Glen Efinger
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Ricco via Fot <fot@autox.team.net>
To: Kas Kastner <kaskastner@gmail.com>
Cc: FOT <fot@autox.team.net>; John Davies <john.r.davies@btinternet.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 10, 2021 1:13 pm
Subject: Re: [Fot] Fot Digest, Vol 104, Issue 11
Please us down for:
2 Extra Large1 Medium
What a great piece of FOT history that should be worn with pride.=C2=A0
Thanks to Kas for the back story.=C2=A0
Paul Ricco813-716-1931
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 10, 2021, at 9:47 AM, Kas Kastner via Fot <fot@autox.team.net> wrote=
=EF=BB=BFThe original=C2=A0shirt was done up by my then attorney and TR-4 r=
acer Lee Herbert. He had a company named American=C2=A0Explosives which man=
ufactured=C2=A0fireworks. It is just a "T" shirt, why think about changing =
it? If you want something=C2=A0different, design=C2=A0your own.
Never be beaten by equipment.
On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 1:29 AM John Davies via Fot <fot@autox.team.net> wr=
But may I respectfully and from a non-American viewpoint, suggest in view o=
recent events, that "explosives" is avoided?
"Experts", "Expertise" would be better!
-----Original Message-----
From: Fot <fot-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of
Sent: 09 January 2021 19:26
To: fot@autox.team.net
Subject: Fot Digest, Vol 104, Issue 11
Send Fot mailing list submissions to
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 fot@autox.team.net
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/fot
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 fot-request@autox.team.net
You can reach the person managing the list at
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 fot-owner@autox.team.net
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of Fot digest..."
Archive: http://autox.team.net/archive http://www.team.net/pipermail/fot
Archive: http://autox.team.net/archive http://www.team.net/pipermail/fot
Archive: http://autox.team.net/archive http://www.team.net/pipermail/fot
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<div style=3D"color:black;font: 10pt Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
<div> <font size=3D"2">Yes I would like to get in for 2, one medium, one la=
<div><font size=3D"2"><br>
<div><font size=3D"2">Re the previous explosive comment that got a few repl=
ies, including mine, I didn't realize at first that he is across the pond, =
different views on some things, and also I just happened to read the post i=
mmediately after spending an hour & a half @ the shooting range w/the G=
F on this fine Sunday morning, in the free state of Florida, in the free, f=
or now, USA...</font></div>
<div><font size=3D"2">No offense to the OP.<br>
<div><font size=3D"2"><br>
<div><font size=3D"2">Glen Efinger</font><br>
<div> <br>
<div> <br>
<div style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:10pt;color:black">-----=
Original Message-----<br>
From: Paul Ricco via Fot <fot@autox.team.net><br>
To: Kas Kastner <kaskastner@gmail.com><br>
Cc: FOT <fot@autox.team.net>; John Davies <john.r.davies@btinterne=
Sent: Sun, Jan 10, 2021 1:13 pm<br>
Subject: Re: [Fot] Fot Digest, Vol 104, Issue 11<br>
<div id=3D"yiv3007470260">
<div>Please us down for:
<div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
<div>2 Extra Large</div>
<div>1 Medium</div>
<div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
<div>What a great piece of FOT history that should be worn with pride. =
<div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
<div>Thanks to Kas for the back story. </div>
<div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
<div>Paul Ricco</div>
<div>813-716-1931<br clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none">
<div dir=3D"ltr">Sent from my iPhone</div>
<div dir=3D"ltr">
<div class=3D"yiv3007470260yqt2575672472" id=3D"yiv3007470260yqtfd19252"><b=
r clear=3D"none"><blockquote type=3D"cite">On Jan 10, 2021, at 9:47 AM, Kas=
Kastner via Fot <fot@autox.team.net> wrote:<br clear=3D"none"><br cl=
<blockquote type=3D"cite">
<div dir=3D"ltr">
<div class=3D"yiv3007470260yqt2575672472" id=3D"yiv3007470260yqtfd98564">=
<div dir=3D"ltr">The original shirt was done up by my then attorney an=
d TR-4 racer Lee Herbert. He had a company named American Explosives w=
hich manufactured fireworks. It is just a "T" shirt, why think about c=
hanging it? If you want something different, design your own.<br =
<div class=3D"yiv3007470260gmail_signature" dir=3D"ltr">
<div><strong><font color=3D"#000099">Never be beaten by equipment.</font></=
<br clear=3D"none"></div>
<br clear=3D"none">
<div class=3D"yiv3007470260gmail_quote">
<div class=3D"yiv3007470260gmail_attr" dir=3D"ltr">On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at =
1:29 AM John Davies via Fot <<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" sha=
pe=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank" href=3D=
"mailto:fot@autox.team.net";>fot@autox.team.net</a>> wrote:<br clear=3D"n=
<blockquote class=3D"yiv3007470260gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px =
0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex;">Nice!<br cl=
But may I respectfully and from a non-American viewpoint, suggest in view o=
f<br clear=3D"none">
recent events, that "explosives" is avoided?<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
"Experts", "Expertise" would be better!<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
John<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
-----Original Message-----<br clear=3D"none">
From: Fot <<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymailt=
o=3D"mailto:fot-bounces@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:fo=
t-bounces@autox.team.net">fot-bounces@autox.team.net</a>> On Behalf Of<b=
r clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:fo=
t-request@autox.team.net" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:fot-request@auto=
x.team.net">fot-request@autox.team.net</a><br clear=3D"none">
Sent: 09 January 2021 19:26<br clear=3D"none">
To: <a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailt=
o:fot@autox.team.net" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net";>=
fot@autox.team.net</a><br clear=3D"none">
Subject: Fot Digest, Vol 104, Issue 11<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
Send Fot mailing list submissions to<br clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=
=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank" href=3D"m=
ailto:fot@autox.team.net">fot@autox.team.net</a><br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<br clear=3D"none"=
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You can reach the person managing the list at<br clear=3D"none">
<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than<br=
"Re: Contents of Fot digest..."<br clear=3D"none">
<br clear=3D"none">
_______________________________________________<br clear=3D"none">
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<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" hr=
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<br clear=3D"none">
<span>_______________________________________________</span><br clear=3D"no=
ne"><span>fot@autox.team.net</span><br clear=3D"none"><span></span><br clea=
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><br clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none"><a shape=3D"rect" href=3D"http://www=
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