Mark was not fond of my AOL/Compuserve subscription, so now I have a Gmail
based address. This is a test to see if it works. The AOL based address
wasn't working out.
While I am at it. Here's an announcement related to Triumphs and the FOT.
Silver Lake Triumph Center now has a home in an Industrial Park in south east
Wisconsin. While traveling last week, I stopped into to see Owner/Founder
Steve Yott. Two car lifts, machine shop, and a lifetime accumulation of
special TR tools.
We are spending more time with Steve with various projects and it is working
out very well for us. And he is ten minutes away from a rolling road dyno. We
are going to do that next.
More on this later.....I want to see how this test goes.
Joe Alexander
645 1st Street
Jesup, IA 50648