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[Fot] GT6 Main Cap Studs - ARP

To: 'Friends of Triumph' Triumph <> fGhEKWE0XSxEKbX4XGhEKTFkXGxobGxEKWUkXEQpZXhdoY3kRCkNOF0sbGRpiTk0ZBB1/chl4c wcffxscGR9SHBEKRUMXFhsYaxkSHmwSBxsZax0HHh8ZGwdraBIYBxlpbh9pH2waHmgSb2pHTwR JRUcUEQpYXBcZBBoEGx4HTU4cExoaHRMFGx0EGx8SBBscHwQdGRAbHhofGxEKXlkXYR9QS2ERC kNaFx0cBBMTBBgZBBsZHhEKRFgXGBEKQkUXYx5QbUlOe20FSQURCkJOF2xwYHlAHWJSaRpiEQp CTBdsQExwZ0wabmJIBREKQmwXbmRBTWJvG0xwf04RCkJAF2RPTUVjWFAdGXJrEQpwaBdiWWtLH WJpfGlgXhEKcGgXZRhoHGlNZVp4WH0RCnBoF2lFbElMH2N7Gn1mEQpwaBdic0x5T3tjZXhjHRE KcGgXYn4fcnocTwVkaFgRCnBsF2VIZhxkRm1jel5wEQpwTBduaWtHRHllbUt4RxE= engine=2.50.10432:5.12.52,1.0.14,0.0.0000 definitions=2014-06-30_03:2014-06-30,2014-06-30,1970-01-01 signatures=0 spamscore=0 suspectscore=0 phishscore=0 adultscore=0 bulkscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=7.0.1-1402240000 definitions=main-1406300175
Subject: [Fot] GT6 Main Cap Studs - ARP
From: Scott Janzen <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:36:12 -0400
though ARP does not list a kit for the GT6, they have studs that will replace 
the main cap bolts in the GT6 (and, I assume, the TR6).  
The kit # is 206-5404, which includes 10 studs, etc at 7/16 x 20 TPI, 3.5" 
long, 1" threaded at each end (yup, I know, the GT6 engine only has four mains).

This is actually the kit they sell for the TR7.  

ARP has the kits in stock - Jegs and Summit list them for less money but don't 
stock them.

BTW, I've called ARP before and they've told me they didn't have anything that 
fit.  Go figure.  When I asked this time what was in the TR7 kit, it turned out 
to be a match.


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