I just bought one of the G2X Data Acquisition systems. I was so
impressed with the one I borrowed that i had to have one. Complex little
buggers, but you can put them into anything with no need for sensors
(though the system has a network-based sensor system that allows you to
have as many as you like). Most of the common sensors are not needed
since the built in GPS and the accelerometers and the tach connection
measure your speed, acceleration, and RPM. Probably the only thing I
would add is brake sensor and acclerator pedal position--but that's
guilding the lilly.
they aren't cheap--just shy of $1000, but it is compared to the Stack
unit I looked at for my Radical (at least $4500, and that was pretty
bare bones) and it will actually do more. You can download the software
and play with it at
I'll let you folks know how it works out.