Sounds more like a go-kart track.
On Jul 12, 2006, at 4:30 PM, <> wrote:
> Maybe I'm jumping in late on this one, I didn't read all the
> posts. But
> doesn't the new Alan Wilson Track in Utah have 23-26 some odd
> corners compared
> to half that many at Road America over the same distance? I
> mentioned that it
> seemed kinda "mickey mouse" and my Utah buddies got all upset. I
> think Larry
> Miller has 70 million tied up in it. Perhaps next time they'll
> call me before
> breaking ground.....................Henry Morrison, Albuquerque
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kas Kastner<>
> To: Mike Jackson<> ;
> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [FOT] new race track design
> Why not first ask how successful a racer he was, and therefore
> how to you
> design a course for RACERS.
> Maybe his wife would know more about passing zones.
> Never Be beaten by Equipment
> Kas Kastner
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mike Jackson
> To: Jack W. Drews ;<>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [FOT] new race track design
> I agree! Take it up with Alan Wilson, the designer of the vast
> majority
> of
> new road courses. Cant help but wonder what he has as his design
> criteria.
> Mike Jackson
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Jack W. Drews"
>> <<>>
>> Sent: Jul 11, 2006 9:49 AM
>> To:<>
>> Subject: [FOT] new race track design
>> Some personal musings, just for a discussion starter:
>> I am really pleased to see the number of new tracks that have opened
>> in the USA in the last couple of years.
>> At the same time, I am genuinely disappointed at the layout of most
>> of them. From a driver's standpoint, a good track needs several
>> things to be fun and challenging. These include straights where you
>> can go fast plus corners that are challenging. But a road course also
>> needs to have more than one place in its two mile length where safe
>> passing is possible.
>> It seems to me that in our racing, almost no passing occurs in a
>> stretch of road that is a continuous sequence of relatively tight
>> connected corners. Fun to drive, but not fun to race. There is a
>> distinction between the two. Most of these new tracks have one
>> straight and then the rest of the real estate is filled with
>> continuously connected corners. Examples are Mid America at Council
>> Bluffs, Gingerman to a degree, and nearly all of the private club
> tracks.
>> Most older tracks that I can think of had multiple passing
>> opportunities. Think of Road America, Watkins Glen, and VIR as
>> examples. Granted, these are all bigger tracks where it is easier to
>> design what I'm talking about, and the new ones are much shorter.
>> However, most of the older shorter tracks, that are about two miles
>> in length, have multiple passing opportunities too -- like Mosport,
>> Grattan, Lime Rock, Willow Springs, Portland, Blackhawk, and more.
>> Not that we can do anything about it. Just an observation.
>> uncle jack
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