Jack W. Drews wrote:
>At 01:20 AM 6/8/2006, you wrote:
>>Hi Jack,
>>do you use this gasket? (picture removed)
>>After several tries with a copper gasket I use this type gasket and
>>it works great.
>If I have enough time, and the customer has the will and the money,
>the steel gasket works fine. But I always carefully measure the
>protrusion, mic the fig 8 gaskets, make new o-rings for the bottom to
>correct the protrusion.
>BUT -- that was not the man's question. He asked what to do with an
>engine with an uneven block and liners that weren't square. If you
>guys want to recommend that he use the steel gasket on an uneven
>block with liner protrusion varying from one side to another, well,
>okay -- good luck -- but he's talking about a fully assembled engine.
Two things might be lost in this discussion--Bill said the CR was 9.5:1,
and second, that he'd not made any substantial changes to the combustion
chamber. For those reasons, Jack is likely right in recommending the
standard composite gasket. It's not likely to intrude into an
unmodified chamber, and the compression ratio is not high enough to
warrant more exotic gasketing.
Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM
Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....