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Re: [FOT] merge colectors

Subject: Re: [FOT] merge colectors
From: joe dirt <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 13:56:48 -0700 (PDT)
  From what I've read, a merge collector will really only show it's true  worth 
when teamed up with a cam that is designed with it in mind. A bit  more exhaust 
overlap I presume? I certaintly think it may be worthwhile  to call your cam 
  -Bob Adams

"Jack W. Drews" <> wrote:  The FOT list has been entirely 
too quiet lately. It gives me the 
heebiejeebies when I come in here and see this empty screen. Assuming 
that everybody is out playing with their cars but might look at their 
screens occasionally, my latest question is

Does anybody know for sure if a merge collector is of any benefit on 
our four cylinder relatively low revving engines?

I'd test mine with and without on the chassis dyno but that is a 
really difficult thing to change at the dyno shop.

The reason I'm asking is that I put on a merge collector from Burns 
Stainless a couple of years ago and other guys still beat me.

uncle jack 

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