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except JAPCO

To: "FOT" <>
Subject: except JAPCO
From: "rob" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 23:27:11 -0400
does any one have a sourse for making a metal TR-6 fender  wider to cover a
cantilever slick I need something quick . I am hoping to find  some sort of
universal  pcs. one size fits all
I supose i can cut up the 30gal. rubbermaid  trash can  and rivet it to the
top of the fender >>Sad to say it would actually pass tec

 I would also like to thank everyone with the help  on slicks and spacers  I
ended up with a set or 4 wheel adapters
3/4" thick for about $200 with lugs (24)  and shipping


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