FWIW, my experience.
My race car came with a Mallory dual point. I worked fine, but a couple
years back I was trying to get things to work better...
So I tried the Allison/Crane electronic setup with a Lucas dizzy. I was
unhappy with the spark scatter and figured it was caused by the mechanical
advance. I fiddled around trying to get the scatter down, but was never
real happy.
I dragged it down to Summit Point and gave it a go. Like Nick, with no load
it ran fine. On track under load, a high speed miss.
Did at least one more event trying different variations on the theme of
Lucas dizzy firing the Allison/Crane unit, no joy whatsoever. Finally wised
up, regrouped, and thought this through and put the Mallory dual point back
in. I don't think the car has had an ignition related miss since.
Moral... Don't fix what isn't broke.