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RE: OLD Lyrics Ring True for OLE BLUE

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: OLD Lyrics Ring True for OLE BLUE
From: Bill Babcock <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 07:02:28 -0700
I kind of wondered how your ring gear could come apart at speed so cleanly
without damaging other stuff. I wouldn't expect the rest of the transmission
to be toast though. Make sure you check your driveline bolts and diff top
hat nut (unless it's pinned), that kind of shock can loosen other stuff. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:52 AM
Subject: OLD Lyrics Ring True for OLE BLUE


Remember that old song?  "I spoke too soon!  I wasn't smart.  I said too 
soon...."  My next line will have to be, my transmission is all apart!!!"

A closer look indicates the clutch plate is warped, the GT6 input shaft is 
trash, and we can only guess what the rest of the tranny looks like.  I'll
more when Kevin takes the tranny apart later today.

While it still looks good, one has to wonder if the fly wheel is still true.

Hind sight is 20/20.  On Saturday the car would not start, and we would
start it' for the sessions.  I suspect the ring gear was already breaking up

and missing teeth at that point.  The Qualifying Race (ONE LAP) did us in.

I'll be making up a 'needed parts list' later today.

Thanks to all for the E-mails of encouragement.  We'll be back!  GRATTAN (my

favorite track) in mid-August.

Bill Dentinger

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