I plan to drive my TR3A down to ViR for the TR races June 10 to 13th. Then
I have 10 days free before I drive to TRA in Springfield Ohio.
My gearbox and overdrive both work fine with no unusual noises. But when I
drain the oil from both, I find brassy fines in the oil. I also found two
chunks of steel about tooth thickness by 1/4" by 1/8" at separate times
attached to the magnetic drain plug for the gearbox. Also for the last 2000
miles, it pops out of 2nd gear into neutral when deceleratiing in 2nd gear -
only in 2nd. Both the gearbox and overdrive were totally re-built 80,000
miles ago - back in 1990. And the overdrive was re-done again out at VTR in
Portland Oregon in 2000 (35,000 miles ago). It has always run fine and
still winds up to 5000 RPM in 1st through 3rd gear with no problems.
Can anyone overhaul my gearbox and overdrive ? If I found a shop that could
do it, I can pull the gearbox in a little over an hour. I need someone with
experience to check it all, change the synchros and thrust washers plus
anything else it needs in a day or two. Then I'll put it back in and drive
to TRA. If there is a campground nearby, that would also help reduce my
costs as I`ll have my tent and all my camping gear with me.
Can you recommend someone between Raleigh and Western Ohio who can capably
do all this during that 10 day interval ?
Wisconsin is not out of the question.
Don Elliott, 1958 TR3A, Montreal, Quebec