These look like California to me. Two-tone TR2s were a CA thing, some entered
by Cal Sales, the distributor. There is a Kurtis in the photo second from left
band those were a west coast thing also.
Thought the left hand photo might be Bridgehampton but the crowd is in the
wrong place.
Mike Cook
----- Original Message -----
From: mordy dunst/ gasket works
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:35 PM
Subject: new photos
new fourth row. Pictures courtesy of Mr. William Oker . these are photos of
his father driving a Morgan. In the first photo from the left you see mr
Oker passing a spining tr3... does someone know where this is ? His Morgan
was #59. Btw.. in the last photo you see him driving a TR3 #149 but, using
having #59 on his helmet.
these photos are very cool..