Of course by then both when Toyota and Honda will have left the IRL for
NA$CAR and Boy George is left with just his "Chevy - Power by (Cosworth)
Ford" engine maybe he will be more amenable too. Especially if by then IRL
has done some road courses and has the ability to open expand their schedule.
Of course the best would be that young Krisilof will be ready to move up
out of Atlantics (notice he is running the CART ladder and not the IRL
ladder) and his Grandma (not wanting to see the boy killed or injured in
those IRL kitcars will replace Tony with someone that will not be as
contentious to the situation as Boy George is.
At 12:32 PM 2/10/2004, Bill Babcock wrote:
>The beat goes on. Until IRL owns it nothing good will happen. Back to
>bankruptcy court in four years. Not that Mr. George deserves it, but how can
>a fractioned sport with a modest following compete against NASCAR? If they
>don't get back together they're Doomed.