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thanks for the memories

To: "fot" <>
Subject: thanks for the memories
From: "mordy dunst/ gasket works" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 20:53:28 -0800
I think it was 1974 or so...

I got a job parking cars at night at Chasen's restaurant in Beverly Hills.
This WAS the hangout for the rich and famous.  So, if you are going to park
cars for a few $ might as well be at a place where the tips could be good...

One particularly cool evening  the manager comes out at about 9pm (parking
boys were always outside..) and tells the parking captaing to be sharp.
"Frank Sinatra just called and is comming over with a few of his friends".

So, here comes a baby blue Rolls... I run to the street and open the door.
Mr. Sinatra steps out.  I thought he was going to be like John Wayne
big/tall... He was neither. However,  his suit, shirt  and tie were as if
they were sprayed on with a Binks ----tight and wrinkle free - Perfect.

He handed me a 20.00 bill.  I got in and parked his car.

1st Trivia...  So, who do you think Frank Sinatra was listening to in the
cassette deck?  (hint... Female.)

BTW...  His friends

1)Gregory Peck.. drove up in a black Bentley.
2)Gene Kelly... drove up in a Ford country Squire station wagon (wood side
panels) with two amazonian buxom show girls both at least a foot taller than
he.. .
3) James Stewart and his wife..

 2nd trivia question.. What kind of a car would you guess Mr. Stewart  was
driving ... ( No, it is not a TR....and is not made in America)

Each first winner gets a free HG.

Answers available in about 48hrs

M. Dunst

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