In a message dated 05/27/2003 5:20:12 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
> There's a rather amusing book written by John Macartney, whose father
> worked
> at Standard Triumph most of his life, as John himself did until their
> eventual demise. One of my favorite stories in the book tells of a car that
> was ready to be delivered to it's new owner, until it was discovered to have
> two wire wheels on one side, and two disc wheels on the other; with a pair
> of each in the boot!
> So, in addition to whatever peccadilloes the factory or the dealers may have
> committed on purpose, simple mistakes certainly happened as well.
> If anyone is interested, I think you can still buy the book at :
Amen to that.
John's a great story teller...and not just TRIUMPH stuff either. If we did
not have the word raconteur in our vocabulary, we'd have to add it for John.
Bill Dentinger