I received the following message from John Harkness, and I told him I'd pass
it on:
<<< Good friends, I believe you both knew Ed, who used to run the red TR4 now
owned by John Wiley. Thought you would want to know that Ed died yesterday,
after fighting slceroderma for 7 or 8 months. It's one of the autoimmune
diseases, where the body attacks itself, in this case forming scar tissue all
I'm no longer active on the FOT list, so would appreciate your posting to the
rest of the group, of which Ed felt so strongly and continued to mention from
his hospital bed.
His wife Ann can be contacted at 428 Garver Road, Mansfield, OH, 44903.
419-756-4858. >>>
How very sad. Yes, I knew Ed Wadman from past MID-OHIO events quite well.
Nice guy. Good racer. Used to still come to MID-OHIO for the vintage
events even after he sold his TR4.
Bill Dentinger