Well, since the famous Henry Frye and the clever Brad Kahler bought
lightweight alternators on eBay, I did too. I got caught up in the
technical advancement frenzy. Of course, I think that I kind of started
this whole thread by asking if anyone had any recommendations on a really
lightweight alternator. Well, now one is on its way to my house, thanks to
Henry and Brad.
But wait -- there's more to the story. my original goal was weight
reduction. After making my successful bid on eBay, I weighed my current GM
one-wire. Eleven pounds. New alternator six pounds. Let's see, calculator
time, five pounds saving, $150 cost, that's $30 per pound.
Son Tony asked me how many hundred pounds I'm going to try for..........
got to get off the internet and get back to drilling holes in the
crankshaft.........it's going into my acid-dipped cylinder block.
uncle jack