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special night

To: <>
Subject: special night
From: "Mordy Dunst/Gasket Works USA, LLC" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 09:28:39 -0800
> btw...  I was invited last night to a special presentation Honoring James
> Garner.  It was afterhours at the Peterson Museum in LA.  About 400
> It was to commorate his contribution to racing and to a special film he
> made.. about his racing days with Lothar M., Scooter P., David Jordan (who
> used to race for Kas...)  and Ed Leslie.  This movie also had some comedic
> moments with Dick Smothers taking you on a high speed tour around St.
> and several interviews with all sorts of characters at  Daytona
> 1969 followed by Sebring and so on with his two Lola T70's.  There was a
> large format screen placed for the film  presentation...  Karen and I were
> able to move our chairs to the front and realized that we were sitting
> five feet behind Mr. Garner ONLY when he was called to the podium for the
> his comments about  the film.
> What a immense evening full of folk...  Sittting at the next table (I
> know it until he came over to shake the hand of Casey Annis sitting along
> side me...) was Parnelli J. and Bob Bondurant... .
> Apparently, Casey wrote a story in his magazine (Vintage Racecar Journal
> Market Report) last August.  The article relayed Garners racing exploits .
> The Chairman of the Board at the Museum read this and said  "lets honor
> Garner..."   So, in front of an audience  of  the Who's Who of racing
> was asked to stand up and take the credit for bringing this information
> forward and making the event a reality.
> Oh-  .... I should mention that this  movie "The Racing Scene" was
> in 1970 (with some fabulously intense and nearly the best I have ever seen
> on board filming) its Production Coordinator was Beverly McAfee....She was
> the first lady allowed into the pits at Indy....    Beverly is also the
> sister of Peggy Kastner.........  I didn't know this until I saw Peggy
> sitting at a nearby table and began chatting.
> CONGRATULATIONS are in order to Casey.!!
> M. Dunst
> Gasket Works USA, LLC
> 626.358.1616 voice/page
> 626.358.7971 fax
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jack W. Drews <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 5:13 AM
> Subject: State of the Onion response
> > Laughing at your response is hard on my ticker. Cut it out.
> >
> > uncle jack

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