In a message dated 12/3/02 6:39:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,
<< As I usually get my tires out of a dumpster, I would never consider buying
another set of tires for just one race. :-)
I am sure that the above activity has had a lot of influence on my times down
through the decades. I finally graduated to buying a new set, running it
until cord shows on one tire, throwing that tire away, and replacing it with
one of my spares.
We visited our son in Williamsport, PA this Thanksgiving. He showed me his
new tires in his basement, which were mounted on new rims made by Circle
Racing for his ITA RX7 Mazda. It appears that the treaded racing tires are
now starting to look a lot like slicks, with tread on the inside of the tire,
a flat area with no tread, and one groove on the outside of the tire. These
tires came from the Tire Rack. I forget what make they were. I assume if
there are some groves on the bottom of the tire, they are considered treaded.