There was a thread about oiling the front trunions with gear oil instead
of grease. I came up with a little tool for just that... I found a
pressure fed oil gun at Harbor Freight tools, on sale. I bought a
grease gun flex hose. I then removed the oil gun's tip and adapted the
grease gun hose to it. In short, I ended up with a pressure fed oil can
that can quickly be adapted to a grease fitting and back again. It
worked well, though the handle was a little wimpy and I had to be
careful to squeeze at the strong point of the handle. (At $3.99 I
didn't mind the wimpy handle, but you could hold out for a better
quality pressure fed oil gun.) It wasn't an expensive proposition and
the oil can may come in handy for other purposes. I'd be happy to send
a pic to anyone that requests it. (I know one could just load a grease
gun with the oil, but something just seemed wrong about it. Like using
a pliers instead of the correct sized wrench on a nut. : )
Here's the parts....
Pressure Fed Oil Gun, Item Number 36629, $3.99
9" Flex Hose (for Grease Gun), Item Number 38320, $3.99
To adapt the grease gun hose to the oil gun, I bought a compression
fitting at the hardware store... that happened to have all the right
threads... 1/8 CMP x 1/8 FPT COMP-FPT Adapter. (You discard the
compression sleeve and nut, and just use the main part of the fitting.)
I also bought an o-ring to seal the fitting... 7/16x1/4x3/32