Browsing through Hemmings Motor News I came across the following add....
1959 TR3A, has the Kellison Fiberglass Body installed.
Rare historical car and may be vintage race eligible.
Listed at $6500 by Triumphs Only in California, 408-947-7766
Anyone ever hear of this kit(?) car before?
1951 Dodge 1/2 ton B3B pickup (being restored)
1953 Mayflower TT29490LDL (almost a driver)
1957 Devin (TR3 based)
1957 TR3 Road Racer
1961 TR4 CT288L (being restored)
1962 TR3B TCF1564L (some day)
1964 Spitfire 4 BFC25720L (of Belgian decent)
1967 TR4A (aka Freddy)