I need a guinea pig.
Hopefully in a few weeks I will have a TR 6 silicone valve cover gasket
to test. My TR is a 4 cylinder, so I can not test it myself.
I need someone to try it on their car. Requirements:
Willingness to truly put the gasket to a test. (i.e. if initial
drives-around-the-blocks work, I'd like to see some track runs, etc.)
Willingness to take the valve cover on and off a few times, over a
period of weeks, etc, to truly test the ability to refit the gasket,
Willingness to take to do this testing at their own risk. (You need to
be careful, testing slowly at first, checking often, etc. etc...) I can
not take responsibility if the gasket fails, and you lose a motor
because your oil ran out. (because you didn't check, etc.)
Willingness to truly offer me some solid reports on the gaskets
Willingness to do all this for nothing more than a pat on the back and a
free gasket. : )
If interested, please describe your car, access to tracks, etc., and any
unique qualifications you may have.
As is true with TR 2-4A gasket, I will be offering a special pricing to
AMICI once the gasket is available. (and tested!)