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Southwick Axles-Modified Axle Assemblies for Race Cars

Subject: Southwick Axles-Modified Axle Assemblies for Race Cars
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 12:53:12 EDT
For all of those considering the circle track axle modification to Triumph 
TR3 and TR4 axle assemblies.

Flange to Flange measurement on TR3A axles is 42 inches

Flange to Flange measurement on TR4 axles is 45 inches.

Three inch difference, obviously, or 1.5 inches per side.

If you have a TR4 axle to go under a TR3, I think we have determined that it 
will fit..but with concern over bodywork interference.

You need to determine your desired measurements, but if you can calculate 
what you want, you can specify the amount of width you want from the TR4 
axle, I believe Southwick will cut it back to your specifications, as I 
understand it. 

The other choice is to modify the rear fenders...or a combination of both.

Just trying to help...might be an opportunity widen the stance 
abit...depending on how sensitive your organization is to these things. 

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