Amici, If we are going to get the SCCA to allow alternate rear axles
for the TR3's and 4's we are going to need a somewhat coordinated
effort. We are going to need some history of crashes and other
incidents that have occurred with TR3/4's due to axle failure from any
racing venue (not just SCCA). With this information we can approach
the competition committe for the need based on safety. In reality
there in most cases will not be any competitive advantage gained since
most replacement axles will be heavier than what we already have.
I would be glad to coordinate the gathering of info if you folks on
the list would like to send that info directly to me or to everyone on
the list. I can then summarize the incidents and distribute it to the
list. With this info those listers that are SCCA members can write to
the comp. board and maybe we can effect a change. Joe(B)
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