FOTers e-mail is swamped....
Besides the fact that your responses clearly indicate their in a strong
interest in caps and an interest in jackets as well, several options were
suggested to me.
1. Apparently there is a company named Triple C that would allow everyone to
individually choose the cap/jacket of their choice. This seems like a good
alternative because it is apparent that your preferences are diverse. Is
there any others who do this?
2. I have been informed that Ted does this as part of his business, so it may
make much more sense for him to coordinate this effort than me. Since Ted is
traveling, we will have to await his return to determine if indeed he would
be willing to coordinate this.
3. Another alternative that has merit is to arrange for patches that can be
applied to your current jackets. This too has a lot of merit from a $$$$
In summary, the response has demonstrated that there is a lot of interest.
The different preferences strongly suggest the preferred course of action is
to find a supplier who will allow us to individually order the shirts, etc.
If this can something Ted wants to do as part of his business, than I would
recommend that we ask him to pursue it for us with the understanding that he
needs to be reimbursed (commission) since it is his business.
What are your thoughts?