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Re: Birth Announcemnt, non-technical

Subject: Re: Birth Announcemnt, non-technical
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 12:35:33 -0600 (MDT)
Allright!  I can relate to the streaks.  I remember backing Junior, [That's
short for Killer Junior, the car in my web page photo] out of the garage after
it got the fresh 1500 and the Quaife.  You can still see some traces of the
black marks.

And I'll second the note about the Mallory.  I've been running one on my Spits
for a while, pretty nice.  One of the things on this year's To Do list is to
set up a crank trigger for the ignition box, a Crane HI-6, and get rid of the
points.  It may be a while before I get to it, I sometimes think that just going
to a Mallory Unilite insert for the distributor would be an improvment.  But 
this is the start of the fourth season for Killer, and the bonnet still isn't 
How long will the ignition system changes take?


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