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Let's move on to Mid-Ohio

Subject: Let's move on to Mid-Ohio
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 18:57:32 EST
OK guys....the GOOD NEWS is that it is going to happen.

The BAD NEWS is that I never heard anything from SVRA about the details that 
are needed to do this thing reasonably well...and never heard from my new MG 
counterpart either. I was about ready to cash in my volunteer status for that 
reason and others.

The GOOD NEWS is that Mark Palmer of MGVR is once again going to be able to 
make it. He is the real mover & shaker behind thing where our groups realize 
the benefits. I just hang on his coattails

"Is it coalescing?", Bob asks. I'd say yes, Bob.  We should be back to you 
guys with more details in a month or less. Put it on your calendars.


Joe (& Mark)

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