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Re: How many are we?

To: John Macartney <>
Subject: Re: How many are we?
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 15:17:39 -0700
John (and all)

If we be nerds, then I guess nerds we be!  Personally, I feel like I am
in very good company!


John Macartney wrote:
> Bill Sohl wrote:
> The club scene is really for those people that look at the car as more than 
>just a piece
> of interesting transportation or the occasional Sunday drive.  WE (the club 
>joiners in the
> USA) take great pleasure in the friendships built, the knowledge learned, the 
> etc.  The car is a conduit to something intangible that not everyone that 
>owns one has
> interest in.
> In my limited experience, Bill - the intangible bit is so fogbound it's 
>difficult to
> determine what it might be. Visitors to Gaydon often ask us where and how 
>they can buy the
> car of their preference - and there are some very oddball preferences from 
>time to time!
> Our reply is usually to become a club member and we cite all the benefits 
>club memberships
> can bring - especially if prospective buyer is short on technical skill or 
> I don't know if this is a peculiarly British thing but quite often these 
>suggestions evoke
> the response "Join a Club?!! Are you mad?"
> Depending on the individual, we usually follow through and ask why they are 
>so anti-club.
> More often than not, the reply is along the lines "I'm sure the club is 
>helpful but I have
> no wish to meet the people who populate them. Enthusiasts fine - but 'nerds' 
>NO!" There is
> a general perception by the non-club member in the UK that those who do take 
>an active
> part in the UK club scene are one of the lowest forms of life. This may be a 
>"class" thing
> at which *skill* we, as a nation, have honed to some perfection. Certainly, 
>there are
> 'nerds' out there - but this is not restricted to car clubs. Gardeners, model 
> enthusiasts and others of many ilks can get so passionate about their hobby 
>that they can
> bore the pants off most 'average' enthusiasts. When that manifests itself, I 
>usually walk
> away - I guess most people do, unless I'm trapped? It's my guess, the 
>majority of club
> members join for one thing - and that's the magazine or newsletter. At a 
> guesstimate, I'd say no more than 20% of any club's total membership takes an 
>active part
> in events, rallies, national weekends or WHY. This is sad because it means so 
>many cars -
> in all states of repair - are so rarely seen except when the owner goes out - 
>ALONE and by
> him or herself.
> Jonmac

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