My sister-out-of-law is pulling up stakes after 40+ years and leaving
the winters for Maine for sunny California. The original plan was
that she'd put her belongings in a Uhaul, hook the Subaru to the back,
and drive out with a friend of her starting in a couple of days.
Goal: our back room, until she finds work and a place to stay; stuff
to be in storage locally.
Said "friend" has just bailed. So she's doing to put the stuff in
storage there, put her clothes in the Subaru, and drive out here solo;
when she finds work and a place to stay, figure out how to get the goods.
She'll have a cell phone, but I thought I'd look for friends along
I-80 (as the most likely route) who might provide her with a meal,
a bed or just some company along the way ...
If you live close to I-80 and would be willing to be a point of contact,
please let me know. She's leaving ("head to I-80, turn west") Friday