FOT...always glad to see another E Ticket member join the ranks. Officially
dubbed "John the Volvo killer" I dare say we'll all a little more respectful
when you choose to pass Joke aside..sorry to hear you bent that
white beauty on such an immoveble object as a Volvo.
To get back on track you need a hood? Paul said you might. Let me
know as i will be seeing two sources next weekend 6/7March who might have
such. I believe I have a front valance out back if you need one as well. Let
me know (and FOT) if I (we) can help.
Hope to see you soon. Buttonwillow too soon? By the me your
address and phone number will you.?? I've managed to lose a key datafile and
you were on it. Sorry 'bout that.
Bill Burroughs, VTR So West Rep, E Ticket Triumphs, Founder SCTOA
70 TR6, 69 TR250, 73 MkIV, 69 GT6+, 59 TR3A and two 65 TR4A
Vintage Race Cars. Happy Motoring!! 310-641-9204