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RE: Large posts, this list, etc.

Subject: RE: Large posts, this list, etc.
From: "Barr, Scott" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 07:16:57 -0600
Ditto to Bill's comments.  And thanks for reminding me to thank the UPS
guy who shows up outside my office door wearing a back truss and a wry
grin.  He didn't seem amused when I pointed out to him that he had just
delivered a transmission to my doorstep...

Scott Barr

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, January 11, 1999 7:30 PM
> To:;
> Subject:      Re: Large posts, this list, etc.
> dumb comment finally hit home...and thanks for being so
> polite Mark.
> And apologies for being one of the "email dummies" who really doesn't
> understand the work you do getting it all to the FOT list. I
> appreciated the
> insight and fully appreciate your efforts to make our FOT email so
> much fun.
> But next time I'll have a better appreciation of those "boxes" that
> show up on
> my email porch. No offense taken and glad you're there to keep me
> happy in my
> 'computer ignorance'. My attitude is...if it doesn't leak oil...let
> someone
> else fix it...glad we have a master mechanic like you to rely on.
> Sincerely....Bill Burroughs

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