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RE: 2001 Triumph Odyssey

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: 2001 Triumph Odyssey
From: Alexander Joseph H <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 12:38:09 -0600
Friends Of Triumph:

2001 Triumph Odyssey might be worth mentioning again, briefly.

2001 Triumph Odyssey is an idea conceived by Mark Bradakis and I gave it a
name. (It could be called anything)  Mark observed that after attending the
two Portland VTR Conventions  (Maine & Oregon) in 1999 and 2000, we might
set a 'stretch goal' and meet in England in 2001.

Goodwood Festival of Speed might be a focal point. This was held in June of
1998 and I suspect it will continue to be. Linda & I have been planning to
make a return trip and Mark triggered this idea.

Our mission, if Linda & I are able to do it, will be to attend Goodwood and
then tour from there. This time I would like to see England outside of a job
assignment or a tour bus and perhaps spend three weeks or so. At least as
much as the retirement budget will allow. 

If there is any interest in a group of us meeting at Goodwood, it wouldn't
hurt to start discussing it now.  It is a little early, but the seed is

I'll ask the question again as there are new folks on the list or those who
did not get the original posting a few months ago.  


I suspect we could get 5 or 6 people and couples. Bob Lang would come. He
doesn't have very far to go. Neither does Henry Frye. Mike Jackson could
take his TR3A. How about a couple TR8s. V. Brannon has already scoped the
place out. He could be our guide.  (I know, JonMac and Paul R are real close

MG guys do stuff like this and they hardly talk to each other. (nudge)

I have made a brief contact with Club Triumph in England. I also contacted a
TR club in Ireland as I expect to tour the country of my grandparent's


-----Original Message-----
From: jonmac []
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 8:57 AM
Cc: Friends of Triumph
Subject: Re: 2001 Triumph Odyssey

> It seems that I'm always the last to know! Please tell me more
about the "2001 
> Triumph Odyssey" at Goodwood.
> Michael Engard

I didn't know anything about it either

John Mac

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