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The following is excerpted from my column for the forthcoming issue of
_The Vintage Triumph_, which should be out to members around the time of
the National Convention. More information about the book described
below is available at <>.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and *
* 10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[from my President's column for TVT #69]
Family Affair (continued)
I talked a bit about father-son relationships with Triumphs a
couple of issues back. Continuing on that theme, I'd like to
mention one John Macartney. Those of you with e-mail and World Wide
Web access may have seen some of his postings to the Triumphs e-
mail list or checked out his Web site. Others may have read some of
his stories of "Life at Triumph" that have been reprinted in
several Chapter newsletters.
John had quite a career with Triumph and lately has come
almost full-circle with a new position at the British Motor
Industry Heritage Trust in Gaydon. Recently he has also taken on
some editorial responsibilities with _Triumph Over Triumph_
magazine and has assumed the editorship of _Six Appeal_, the
magazine of the Triumph 2000/2500/2.5 Register. John's father,
Charles, also had a long and distinguished career with the Standard
Motor Company.
John is about to go to press with a private printing of _In
the Shadow of My Father_, a privately published recounting of his
father's career and a revised and expanded collection of his "Life
at Triumph" stories as well. This book will be offered primarily
through John's World Wide Web site and through Triumph Clubs around
the world, _only_ to October 1998.
Further information on the book appears elsewhere in this
magazine. VTR members are welcome to order the book directly from
John. However, John has appointed VTR as an official "agent" for
ordering. While the cost is the same regardless, ordering through
VTR will earn us commission on each book. These commissions will be
used for further book and regalia projects for VTR.
To order a book through VTR, please make your check or money
order (U.S. funds) payable to _Vintage Triumph Register_ and put
the words "Macartney book" on the memo line. Mail your check --
along with your name and mailing address, fax and/or e-mail if you
have it, and whether or not you would like the book autographed --
to Macartney Book, c/o The Vintage Triumph Register, 15218 W.
Warren Ave., Dearborn, MI 48126. [b]Orders must be received by
September 30, 1998.[/b] Books will be mailed directly to you from
the publisher, and they should arrive in time for the "holidays"!
[end of excerpt]