Having listened carefully to our august field of experts. My plan of attack
is as follows:
1. Check timing by turning motor to TDC for #1 cylinder on compression
stroke. Check rockers 7 & 8 to see if they are "balanced" ie, =
distance of rotation for operation of rocker.
2. If they are balanced I get a free beer and go on to other less
thoughtful endeavors.
3. If they are not balanced, I remove the sprocket from the cam and
reposition it diagonally or turn it over and rotate it or any
combination of the above to get as close as possible to getting #'s 7 &
8 to balance.
4. So what's the dial indicator for?
5. What am I doing wrong?
6. I've signed up for the Walter Mitty @ Road Atlanta this weekend so I
need to spend more than a little time trimming my beard so I won't look
so shabby next to Jeff Snook.
Richard Taylor
TR-4 #96, Atlanta