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Re: [Roadsters] backroads driving event pics, MotherLode 400

To: <>, Datsun Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] backroads driving event pics, MotherLode 400
From: Dan Kroninger <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:38:47 -0500
That looks like a fun bunch of cars.  I believe that the Volvo PV444 "#263"
was a recent BaT sale, wasn't it?  At least is looks like one that was
recently sold there anyway.  Sounds like a lot of fun!

> Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 12:00:30 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Roadsters] backroads driving event pics, MotherLode 400
> While I didn't go on this particular one (and don't see any roadsters in
> the pics), I'd have to say I have done a few of these, and they are
> complete blast.
> Multi-day, very informal, pick how much of the route you want to do, an
> eclectic car mix, and a bunch of gearheads of varying mechanical
> background make for great bench-racing.
> There are always the gung-ho fast group, as well as the "I don't drive
> on bumpy roads" group, but that will always be.
> This particular one ( MotherLode 400 ) is in the Gold Country of NorCal.
> Down South way these get scheduledover Sunday/Monday to avoid busy
> weekend traffic.
> 350 miles/day has been found to be about right, so that all can arrive
> at the destination in time for bench-racing and clean-up before meal
> time.
> I have found that without a GPS, and traveling single-handed, (and with
> a trip counter that is 20% off - so that at each crossroads I am writing
> down the offset between actual vs predicted mileage) is a bit of a
> handful, but nothing a pair of "chip clips" holding the directions in
> the center of the steering wheel didn't cure.
> I encourage anyone who hasn't tried one to join in. None available?
> Start one, it is as simple as "we start here at this time, and can stay
> in this town" and provide a list of roadside motels, although one I went
> on had a pre-paid dinner provided at the motel, which made for the best
> cameraderie.
> Always encouraging more miles, (to justify my lack of contiguous
> surfaces of pristine paint)
> Fergus O
> (hint: the SoCal TT is October 10/11 this year)
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