To get a rough idea if the cam timing is correct, check compression. If
it is up, then the cam is probably times at least close to where it
should be.
Thusly spake, On 10/5/2009 10:50 AM:
> All,
> About two months ago my cam broke. At that time the car was running. I got
>a new cam, and a new head. Finally got them in, and the car won't start.
> I've tried what I think are the basics:
> 1) yelling
> 2) running the distributor through its swing to see if I could get a catch.
> 3) confirming spark
> 4) confirming gas pressure to the carb
> 5) confirming spark plug wire orientation
> Here's where I'm stuck up.
> I was pretty careful about keeping the timing gear at the same place on the
>chain, but I'd like to confirm that I've not screwed the mechanical timing.
> I still have some slack in the upper tensioner which makes it a little
>difficult to see where things are. And -- since I don't know what the hell I'm
>doing -- I could use a walk through about what top-dead on crank and cam shaft
>look like (i.e. is TDC when the cam pully knotch is at the indicator, or at
>12 o'clock; and where should the cam lobes / gear orientation pin be at that
> Another possible problem would be the SU carbs. I tried to store them
>oriented properly -- but my brother shuffled them around the garage a little/
> Could I get the group wisdom on what what I should check and do as far as
> Nathaniel Leeds
> 1969 2000 - SU
> Garaged
> Brother's garage, Berkeley, CA
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