Pat is correct. The two green/yellow wires are connected to the brake switch
on the brake pedal. I just peeled back some tape on one of my cars and took
measurements on the wires.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat" <>
To: "Bill Schairer" <>
Cc: "Datsun Roadster" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] brake light problem
> Bill,
> Sounds like you have dirty contacts in the turn signal switch. If you
> can get it apart, clean and lube the contacts with silicone grease and
> give that a try. I can help you figure out the rest of it, given some
> time.
> On the drawing
> I
> believe the brake light switch is the circle below where it says "Hazard
> Flasher" with the 2 green-yellow wires. This drawing is not complete in
> its information on the Hazard switch, so I will have to look at another
> drawing.
> Peace,
> Pat
> Thusly spake Bill Schairer:
>> I need help with my right hand brake lights. I may be blind, but I
>> cannot find the brake light switch on any of the wiring diagrams. That
>> being said, I have a red/white wire for left brakes and left turn
>> signal and a black/white wire for right brakes and right turn signal.
>> Three wire plug from the firewall has the red/white, the black/white
>> and a green. With brakes depressed, red/white is hot and black/white
>> is not. With right turn signal on the black/white gets juice. If I
>> splice in juice to the black/white from the brake switch, I get all
>> brake lights on right and left but then my right turn signal does not
>> work properly - it doesn't flash and juice goes to right and left.
>> Left turn signal continues to work properly thru all. In current
>> status, all lights work properly but the right brake lights. This is a
>> 1970 1600. Can anyone help me out?
>> Bill
>> San Diego
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