The oval vent gaskets on my car were trashed - helllo - so I bought some new
ones from Dean. (quite reasonably priced in my opinion)
Installiing them was another matter. Remember that Datsun only supplied
these as a a complete unit. There is a residue of the former "gasket"
sandwiched between the 'spindle' and the plate. I had nothing in my tool
arsenal thin enough to clean it out. (again remember that this was an
assembled part - they put the gasket on the plate and riveted it on)
So, it wasn't working for me.
I drilled out the rivets, tapped it with an 8-32 tap and re-assembled.
Of course, since the stuff was available, I decided to paint it, so I
possibly have the best lookig vents in the roadster universe (as if anyone
is going to look)
Overall, it takes less time to do this than to "clean' it out and try and
fit the gasket on.
>From: "O'Farrell, Fergus" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [Roadsters] Blinking side marker write-up
>Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 05:23:55 -0700
>Try the 510 site,
>Tech Section / Electrical / there is an article on blinking side marker
>Datsun-roadsters mailing list
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