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Re: slightly OT: purchasing a non titled car

To: Stan <>,
Subject: Re: slightly OT: purchasing a non titled car
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 18:05:09 +0000
Hi Stan,
Here in Washington, it's not that hard to explain.
When you sell a car, you sign the bottom of the title releasing your interest
in the car.  Basically, until signed, the title is non- transferrable, and if 
you found
an unsigned title in the street, it would be just like an unsigned check-
you might be able to forge a signature, but it would be contestable in the 

Once it's signed, though, it's like cash- anyone can take it to a subagent (we 
have one DMV in Olympia,
and they license subagents elsewhere- it's kind of low- rent) and have it 
transferred to their name.
Back in the old days (before about 2000) you could carry a signed title for 
years with no penalty.

Now, a signed title is still proof of ownership, but after 15 days, you get hit 
with a financial penalty (and I have no idea how much) for not transferring.  
You still own the car, but have to pay more for the transfer. could explain more, I think...  I have a couple of signed titles 
for parts cars that I'll most likely
never register- it's not worth adding the $60 title transfer to the $50 cost of 
the car!

If you're wondering, get the VIN from the seller.  Call a subagent, and say 
that you're looking at the car
for purchase.  They won't be allowed to tell you a lot, but they can say if 
it's got 'clear title' and what it will
take to get it registered- sometimes it needs a state trooper inspection.  I've 
had good luck with that.  And they're usually quite helpful with forms and 
procedures- sadly, much better than the state is...


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Stan <>
> I was hoping some of the U.S roadster owners could help me with this
> question.
> It seems as though our laws in Canada might be slightly different when it
> comes
> to ownership and registration of vehicles.
> First my situation.  There are a couple of cars which I am looking at possibly
> purchasing from  the state of Washington and importing them to Canada.
> Both owners tell me that their vehicles are clear title and but they also tell
> me that
> the current title is under the previous owners name.
> I'm having trouble understanding this because if I were to purchase a vehicle
> from
> someone I would have to register it under my name before I turned around and
> sold it
> to someone else.  How do I know that the vehicle isn't stolen?
> What can I do to protect myself?  Shouldn't these owners title the vehicle
> under their
> name before attempting to sell it?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Dazed and confused in Canada....
> Stan
> 1969- 1600
> 1963 Alfa Sprint Speciale
> (     ) (yet to come and hopefully not stolen)

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