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Knobs and Door Channels and stuff

Subject: Knobs and Door Channels and stuff
From: "peter harrison" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:26:46 -0800
I have a few requests:
1) What to use to 'highlight' the various knobs where the white has faded.

2) I am trying to replace the rear driver side window channel.
   a) do i need to take the door locking assemply out
   b) which way to install it - i cannot remove the passenger side for 
comparison since someone   superglued the door handle on!!!

3) I am no longer certain of which knobs I should have for a '70 1600. Could 
someone with the correct knobs please email me a picture of the left hand 
side of the dash and the console.

Thanks for help in advance

Eliza, '70 SPL

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