You know,
I've had float bowls full of water and shellac do the same thing, too-
it's worth suctioning them out and making sure everything is clean.
Also, junk getting into your fuel pump will do it, too- I now run a filter in
front of the pump, and it helps a lot.
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Brian Hollands" <>
> What float valves? Did you blow out the fuel line prior to putting it on?
> I've had it happen that new fuel line will have something in the line which
> will lodge in or around the carbs. Check the fittings and screens on the
> float bowls and the hose between the float bowls. I've had trouble with new
> grose jets too. I used them for years with no problems but neither of the
> last two sets I had worked.
> ________________________________