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Re: Re: Cooling system

To: <>
Subject: Re: Re: Cooling system
From: "Marcus Pryor" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 15:52:37 -0700 (PDT)
I have a peculiar problem, and I would like some opinions from those who
have walked the walk. The reason my '68 2000 doesn't run is because it has
a broken spark plug. Here's the rub; it isn't broken at the usual place
(at the base of the insulater) but, believe it or not, the iron base of
the plug sheared off just above the threads!

I have studied the problem with an eye toward removing it without pulling
the head. I would like to see if I can get it running the way it is. I
figure if I drill it out (best solution), I will get some detritus into
the combustion chamber. Any thoughts before I tear her down?

Marcus A. Pryor
For a new age of reason

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