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Roadster Clutches

To: Roadster List <>
Subject: Roadster Clutches
From: Ronnie Day <>
Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 22:12:50 -0500
I known about the 20111, HD pressure plate, for a long time. Is/was there a
"standard" P/P with less clamping force? Just curious. The OEM P/P for the
510, or at least the currently available replacements, seem to last maybe
30K in a fairly normally driven street 510. I wouldn't mind a third
alternative with clamping pressure preferably somewhere between the OEM 510
P/P and the 20111 unit.

I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks because I started
thinking about working on the '73 510 during June and July. Our grandsons
will be staying with us, working in the summer youth volunteer program at
the hospital, and I think they'd enjoy working on the car. All I need to do
is finish the top end assembly on an L-18, bolt on the OEM 4-speed tranny
and put them in. A lot depends on the boys' interest.


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