well, hoping to buy the property at auction tomorrow where I hope to set up
my serious roadster business. sold a roadster yesterday, one of the 67.5's,
and have $15k now towards the property... would like to make an offer to
potential investors and roadster affectionados- need $40k by monday. will
secure with any number of my roadsters including NY Auto Show 1500
Prototype, SRL311-00006, #496, #569 which used to belong to Carl Seiser, one
of Bob Sharp's race mechanics... #292, the beautiful clone titled to the
matching number drivetrain but not the frame... the "lightweight" race car
that Dave Manzolini used to run..SPL310-00003... any or all. or will secure
with equity in my house or property I'm buying.. offer is 10% interest for
use of your money for 90 days. if re-up, 10% interest payment and roll over
another 90 days same term. if I went a year in this model, you'd make 40%
interest. serious as a heartbeat. really doubt any need past 60 days out,
but want to run "just-in-case" scenarios. so least you could make would be
10% or $4k for the loan. like I said, secured by roadsters, real estate, or
just my word and handshake, whatever works for whover is interested.
Thanks for listening, contact me offlist if interested/able.
No Guts, No Glory!