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Re: 1600 Jetting

To: Joaquin Gomez <>,
Subject: Re: 1600 Jetting
From: Ronnie Day <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 18:52:38 -0600
> Joaquin

> Curious if anyone knows jetting sizes on the 1600 roadster.  Nothing
> modified cam wise nor stroker.  I am going to try a set of dual webers on a
> 1600 and would appreciate if anyone knew what jets I should be at as I have
> no clue on how this whole dcoe carbs work.

A good place for info would probably be Pierce Manifolds or Overseas
Distributing (I think). Both are major Weber suppliers.

That said, I gotta ask..., why? If everything else is stock, I really think
you'll be disappointed. Even if the Webers are set up right (not always easy
to do), just shoving more air into the the 1600 without doing other things
to help move the fatter fuel/air mix through, then out of, the engine just
isn't going to work well. Probably not as well as a set of properly tuned
SUs in good shape.

Successful performance upgrades are most often a coordinated effort starting
with the engine in good condition. IMO, the first thing to do is install a
breakerless ignition. Either one of Gary Boone's distributors, or make sure
your OEM unit is mechanically sound and drop in a Pertronics conversion.
Then you can look at moving more air, but I'd probably start with a free
flowing exhaust system first, then look at some head work and a cam before
doing anything with the carbs other than maybe new needles.


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