Please pardon the bandwidth, however for anyone in the area:
Here it is again folks!!
Come on into the valley for a Saturday drive through the foothills up to
Historic Columbia State Park!!
We will leave Saturday March 4, 2006 at 9:00AM from the FruitYard
Restaurant/Gas Station
The FruitYard is located east of Modesto on Yosemite Blvd (hwy 132) and Geer
Rd. I will park on the corner at the 76 station, just head east on Yosemite out
of Modesto.
Bring lunch or something to put into the potluck pile, and don't forget your
place settings. We will have a raffle and either a decal or dash plaque
Last year we had about 15 or so roadsters, plan for a leisurely drive with some
twisties, about 150 miles back to Modesto. We should return around 3-4PM.
This is a great run to shake down those Road Sters before the trip to Solvang
and TOPS DOWN!! Dress in layers!
Any questions reply here or email
<> . If you know Alexi R., or Corey W., or Eric G.,
get ahold of us.
Ciao for now, bring out your cars!! Your cool daily driver, anything
interesting and all Datsuns, come have fun!
Eric Gillis
Modesto Datsun Roadsters
69 1600