A number of things to check.
First, turn on your to run. Your fuel pump should come on. Turn your
headlights on. Does the pump stay running? If not, you have either a bad
connection or a defective battery.
Do the headlights come up to full brightness? If so, the connection from
the battery to the engine and electrical system are at least fair. If
not, leave the headlights on and stick a screwdriver between the battery
cable on the battery, and the battery post. If the headlights come back
on you found your problem. If not, try the other post and cable connection.
Assuming that the headlight test worked ok, leave the headlights on and
turn the key to start. Did the headlights stay lit while the key was in
start? If not, the problem is probably a bad connection at the starter,
or a bad (shorted) starter.
When you turn the key to start what happens? Does the fuel pump stop,
and nothing else happens, or is there a buzzing sound coming from under
the hood? If there is a buzzing sound, there is either a defective
battery, or a bad connection between the battery and the starter.
Has this fuel pump operated before, or is it a new install?
How old is the battery?
How long since you started the car?
Where did you measure the 12.53 volts? (battery post to battery post,
body to pos battery cable, etc.) Measure the voltage from post to post,
Pos cable at the battery to neg post, pos cable to engine.
As someone else pointed out,12.53 volts is a bit low, but it should be
enough to turn the engine over if the battery is strong.
I can help you with this, I just need a bit more information.
dcorbitt77@comcast.net wrote:
>On Saturday I took my '69 2000 for a spin, ran fine. Sunday morning, I wanted
>to go for another spin and no joy. Battery is fully charged (12.53 volts),
>electric fuel pump chugging away when the key is ON. When I turn the key to
>START, the fuel pump shuts off and nothing happens. Battery voltage remains at
>12.53. Anyone have some helpful advice on this? I suspect I'll be inspecting
>the ignition switch tonight or the wiring to the starter relay.
>Dave C
>Summit, NJ
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