Thanks so much for the personal attack Trevor. You know me so well. Since you
inquired, I do have two Masters degrees. Those did actually take some "deep
thought." I don't recall discussing Katrina. As a matter of fact, I may soon
be traveling to the area from Washington State to provide crisis counseling to
those afflicted. I think that will take some deep thought too. Fancy that.
Greg Burrows, M.S.
-- Trevor Skarda <> wrote:
Greg, I understand that you fancy yourself as an intelligent, well-read man.
Your emails, however, paint a picture of a man who is not very thoughtful and
certainly not a deep thinker. Nearly everybody on this list understands a
very simple concept: the vast majority of people on this list care deeply about
the people who are suffering from Katrina and the resultant flooding, but they
simply do not want to hear about your politics, or my politics for that matter.
Please stop. Trevor
"" <> wrote:Ah yes, and here
is more for the record: No WMDs. Over 2000 fine soldiers dead. BLAH BLAH,