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Re: what's this list for?

Subject: Re: what's this list for?
From: thomas walter <>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 07:05:28 -0700 (PDT)
At least the good news is I have had almost zero
interest in selling my '66 1600's.  

Life's Irony. Much cheaper to get one running, and
park my 3/4 ton daily driver.  

U20 fuel mileage -- with correct tune, my 67 2000 was
getting around 25 mpg.  R16 does a little better, but
the trick is just keeping your foot off the U20...
which is hard. :) Always enjoyed the 1600 for stop and
go driving, daily runs, 2000 for wide open roads. Just

Electric Vehicle -- I've played a little with them.
Biggest issue with the roadster is the battery space.
It can be done for a 20 mile range quite nicely, but I
liked having the option of the 40 mile range. 

Just haven't had time for the roadster list. Way too
much going on these days. Flying bug (Cessna) bit big
time. Building something called "Bearhawk" (10 year
project, hence little time for roadters).

back to lurker mode.... (too much politics on the
list, sigh)
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